Privacy policy

Cocks & Cows Aps
Hyskenstræde 3, st. th
1207 København K
CVR: 32439292
Email: [email protected]
Telefon: 45 69 69 60 00

In the following also referred to as we / us.


These terms together with our Terms and Conditions apply as soon as you open the order page with us or when the page loads in the background.

When you make purchases online or order by phone / e-mail with us, information is collected about you, which is used to manage our orders in general.

Likewise, if you make a separate commitment, we may collect data for use in our marketing.

We are data responsible for your personal data when you order, regardless of whether you order online or by phone or e-mail.

If you do not want your personal data to be collected and used, we can not guarantee that we are able to receive your order.

This regardless of whether you want to make an online order or by phone / e-mail.

1. Personal information / data do we collect?

In order for us to handle your order, the following personal data about you is collected:

– Your name
– Email address
– Telephone number / mobile number
– Personal information that you provide via free text
– Purchase / transaction information
– Cookies (see more under .7)
– Date / time choices in your order
– IP address
– Server logs

2. Use and processing of personal data

We use your personal information in our daily administration and handling of orders.

Personal information is used to identify you as a person associated with an order.

Only in this way do we have the opportunity to contact you regarding your order and identify you by picking us up with us.

In addition, we may use your personal information to occasionally send out order status / service messages, feedback questions per. e-mail and / or SMS in connection with or immediately after your visit to us – and hence also in the administration of your incoming feedback response.
We may also use your personal information to form any. relations between your orders with us. eg. number of visits / purchases you have made, feedback and / or purchases you have made with us.

If you have specifically agreed that we may use your data for marketing, we may occasionally send out newsletters per. e-mail and / or SMS.
This service can always be unsubscribed if this is desired.

3. Storage and protection of personal data

We store your personal data in our ordering system from our subcontractor with whom we have a statutory data processor agreement.

All communication in connection with online ordering and use of the ordering system in general takes place encrypted via SSL / HTTPS.

We anonymize all your personal data so that the data can only be used for statistical views which can not be linked to the identification of individuals.

Your personal data is anonymised 5 years after your last order.

However, personal data can in some cases be stored for more than 5 years. However, this requires that you have specifically approved this relationship, e.g. in connection with subscribing to our newsletter or similar. Or if there are other legal requirements that dictate that we store your data for a longer period of time.

Your personal data is only available to those of our employees who work with the daily handling of orders and senior executives.

4. Disclosure and sharing of personal data

By accepting these terms, you give your consent for us to pass on your personal information to our provider of the ordering service with whom we have a statutory data processor agreement.

Your information can also be passed on to other suppliers such as payment provider, email provider, sms provider and other service providers needed to handle your order.

We only pass on personal information to our partners or other trusted companies in order to maintain ongoing operations and provide the best possible service.

To optimize this ordering service, data and statistics on user behavior on the site are collected, this information is collected in collaboration with various subcontractors and is used only for statistical purposes and general user behavior.

5. Social Media and Personal Data

We can use social media buttons / plugins in connection with ordering with us. This is to facilitate the entry of personal information such as name, e-mail and telephone number.

6. Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to collect visitor statistics and in this connection we pass on IP addresses to Google Analytics. Google may disclose the information to third parties where required by law or to third parties who perform tasks for them.

The privacy policy for Google Analytics is accepted by booking online with us and can be found at

7. Cookies / not personal information

We collect digital information about your order in various ways.
None of this information allows you to be tracked as an individual, but only to the computer from which you gained access.

We use cookies to make your experience in connection with ordering better.
A cookie is a small piece of data that is stored in your browser and can only be read by the data processor.

A cookie contains information such as your settings on the computer, content of a booking, internal server data or other data used by our server. Cookies are not programs that run on your machine, but small chunks of text data that are sent back and forth to and from your computer. Cookies are neither spyware nor viruses.

We distinguish between whether the cookie disappears when you close your browser (session cookies) or whether they are stored on your computer (permanent cookies).

We also distinguish between whether the cookie has us / the provider as the sender (first-party cookies) or one of our partners as the sender (third-party cookies).

In most browsers, you can change the settings for which cookies are set on your computer.

We only set permanent cookies in order to make your ordering experience as good as possible. 

We use the information collected for knowledge about behavior on our sites.
Session cookies disappear when you leave our domain.

8. Insight / Recall / Deletion of your personal data

According to the EU Personal Data Regulation, there are clear rules for when you can request insight into your personal data. According to the law, all EU citizens always have the “Right to be forgotten”

If you no longer want us to process your personal data or if you want us to restrict the processing of your personal data, please contact us by e-mail: [email protected] or via the following company information as stated above. 

We also point out that we may not necessarily offer you an order if you again do not want to have your personal data registered.